LandCrazed in a Strange Time

It’s been awhile since we’ve posted here. I don’t think we’re any less LandCrazed, however, these are CRAZY times. The entire world seems to be shifting and sifting itself out in a vaguely pre-catastrophic manner. From the real estate/mortgage crisis that should continue to plummet our (highly manipulated and unsteady) economy to global warming, this is a time when everyone is (or probably should be) considering their relationship to how we live, where we live and the FATE of all our land(s.)

Maybe that’s why we’ve hunkered down here in Seattle, where we have turned our macro-kind of love affair with land into a more concentrated “nesting/working” phase in order to really evaluate what the heck is going on out there.

Currently, we are more involved in a very, very local blog called The Bluffington Report.


In our reading about the fate of the planet, we must recommend this article (The Prophet of Climate) in the current edition of Rolling Stone magazine. It is a real eye-opener. The interview Dr. James Lovelock will rattle your skull.

He maintains that the tipping point for global catastrophe has already happened. In fact, Dr. Lovelock suggests that in as little 100 years, the rising seas (80 feet, no 20 as predicted by politically hand-strung and scared politicians who can’t say no to the World Bank) could cause massive deaths — upwards of billions — as the earth’s population is chaotically shifted.

Lovelock’s most fascinating suggestion? That the only safe places for future generation (down to 500 million from 7 billion!!) are the Yukon and Siberia and other currently cold interior places that will be hospitable to human habitation.

OK, folks. Off to speculate on land in interior Canada/Alaska. See ya!

Published by

Laura Vecsey

Former politics writer @ Patriot-News, Harrisburg Pa. Former sports columnist for The Baltimore Sun & Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Avid interests: poetry, politics, real estate, beach combing, swimming, mothering, cooking and lunch out.

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