A Land Link to ‘Start’ of America


Through incredible good fortune, LandCrazed (the blogger) has been presented an opportunity to ‘come into’ acreage along the Cacapon River in Morgan County, West Virginia. This morning, we wanted to take a moment and reflect on what it was that initially drew us to Berkeley Springs and the Cacapon, as it flows away from the Potomac: George Washington.


It would be completely bogus to suggest that Washington discovered the hot springs in Berkeley Springs and the Cacapon River. The Shawnee and other native people used that river and the ridges along it for transportation, food and lookout points. The Cacapon has a presence and power the speaks to its history, which certainly predates any European interlopers, even Washington — who surveyed the river area and made Bath (Berkeley Springs) a destination point for Washingtonians. (D.C.)

That said, the very idea of “owning” a piece of this very special place in America is, well, an honor. And today, LandCrazed (the blogger) is spending a few moments honoring the majesty of the Cacapon — as well as the millions of other map points across the United States and, even, the world.

Odd how it is that so much of our world’s fighting is over land, which means the land has to bear the bloody brunt of our often-times disastrous stewardship. IT and WE deserve better. But enough moralizing. Here’s to the Cacapon River. It’s bittersweet to know that the encroaching “sprawl” in the mid-Atlantic region (D.C., Baltimore and Harrisburg, Pa.) has been driving up land prices in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia.

Look at the future …

e-mail notice

Here it is (SEE ABOVE.) Plain and simple. A neat little e-mail notice from the North American Land Company that popped into my queue this morning. They are not listing service but a rural land developer, which gives them a particularly coherent business plan and point of view.

Let me tell you, my spam filters are high. I am big-time fan & user of the UNSUBSCRIBE option on almost every single company that finds its way to my e-mail box. BUT, when it comes to the way in which land owners are trying to talk to me about rural lots … I am looking.

Am I alone? Are thousands of other online junkies with a penchant for rural land eager to see one or two choice parcels/offerings pop into their mailbox? You gotta think … The key word for me is is one or two, maybe three listings/offerings. If e-mail notices became a deluge, it would be a total turnoff.

This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about on LandCrazed.wordpress.com. This blog is totally dedicated to the ways in which technology, information, human interest and rural land WILL find a way to marry.

Here comes the bride!